Persona 4 Walkthrough Ps2
persona 4 walkthrough ps2

As usual, I will never use the characters names in western order. Talk to her the next day on Classroom I play Persona 4 in both Japanese and US versions. Next, go back to school and talk to the girl near the lockers on Classroom Building 1F. (first Ema request) Date Unlocked: 5/6 No Special requirements After Visiting the fox on 5/5, go to the shrine the day after in order to get the request. 'Quest 6: I Wish For Love' is a quest started by the fox at the Tatsuhime Shrine.

persona 4 walkthrough ps2

You can detour to a bad ending again here, but based on the research you’ve been doing in-game, you will know the answer.You’ll have the option to tell your friends about your suspicions as to the killer’s identity. If you answer correctly, you’ll roll on to December 5 with a new objective - and be on your way to the True Ending.Much later on, you’ll have to name who the True Killer is - and this leads towards the full ending. When this choice rolls around, you’ll have to answer in a specific way to determine your ending.To avoid the bad ending, answer as follows when prompted - there are seven dialogue choices in a row, so we’re numbering them to leave them as vague as possible:If you answer differently, the game till time-skip forward to March 20 and you’ll experience the Bad Ending of Persona 4 Golden. The ending you get will depend upon some choices you make during the story - a single moment which can determine if the game ends early or goes on for many more hours…As the story of P4G progresses, you will eventually find yourself facing a big choice on December 3 (12/3). How to get the Normal and True Ending in Persona 4 GoldenIn order to get the best possible ending in Persona 4 Golden, you’ll have to control your temper.

Here’s everybody’s locations, for the record: This should be most s-link characters if you followed our P4G social link guide. You’re guaranteed the normal, good ending because you solved the mystery, but if you want the true ending, you need to act in a specific way during this final day of the game.Specifically, you’ll be tasked with talking to everybody who you’ve got a maximum rank social link with before you leave town. This is where your final decision about an ending lies. How to get the True Ending Epilogue in Persona 4 GoldenOnce you’ve seen off the events of Persona 4 in full, time will fast forward to March.

Temperance / Eri: The Day Care, reached via the Bus Stop. Devil / Sayoko: The Hospital, reached via the Bus Stop. Priestess / Yukiko: The Amagi Inn, reached via the Bus Stop.

Sun / Music or Drama: The Club Venue, SchoolOnce you’ve talked to everyone, at that point the game will tell you to ‘return to your house and get ready for tomorrow’ - do not do this!Instead, select ‘No’, then return to the Junes Food Court. Fortune / Naoto: School Learning Building 1F Magician / Yosuke, Star / Teddie: Junes Food Court Justice / Nanako, Heirophant / Dojima: Outside Dojima’s house speak to papa Dojima and pick the second option. Emperor / Kanji, Strength / Atheletes, Hanged Man / Naoki: Shopping District North

Unlocking the other Ultimate Challenges: Hollow Forest Dungeon and Margaret’s Secret BossAs a side note, there are two more ultimate challenges you can unlock if you so wish. Once you enter the midnight channel, it’s a point of no return - so you might want to ensure your equipment and such is as you want it first.Defeat the final, final boss to get the true, ultimate ending to Persona 4 Golden. Keep talking until you get the choices right to learn something about the attendant you can now access the unique dungeon Yomotsu Hirasaka.You can now head to the Midnight Channel and beat the Yomotsu Hirasaka dungeon to learn the ultimate truth. On a second play-through on New Game+, this scene also unlocks a secret boss.Head to the Shopping District South and to the gas station. Then head to the Velvet Room to get the Orb of Clarity from Igor. Finally, pick ‘There’s something missing’.Next, head to the Riverbank to speak to Dojima and Nanako for another scene.

It has extra story and is the most challenging dungeon in the game. This was added to the ‘Golden’ version of Persona 4, and is unlocked by maxing out Marie’s Social Link relationship. Hollow Forest is a unique secret dungeon associated with Marie.

persona 4 walkthrough ps2persona 4 walkthrough ps2